Lynnae and I decided that we like Anchorage SO MUCH that we are going to stay here for a few more days. I think we are going to fly out to Koyuk on Monday, if we feel like it, but who knows really! :)
Thanks for the opportunity for us to get out of town for a little while...we hadn't realized how desperate we were for the big city life! And oh, the shopping down here is FANTASTIC! I love how accessible everything is - we each bought some of the cutest dresses! I think we'll hit up Chilkoot Charlie's tonight and see what the bar scene is must be nice since people aren't allowed to smoke in public places anymore.
Anyway, thanks again!
All the best,
Just kidding. Our flight from Shaktoolik was cancelled due to
inclement weather. We will fly out on Monday, same time as today.
I think that Larry had a mini-heart attack when he read it. Unfortunately, just like my sophomores, he doesn't seem to appreciate my witty humor.
However, Karma did seek revenge on me for my poor taste in trickery - my bags were never pulled from the plane and they traveled to Unalakleet without me! Somehow the crew managed to pull Lynnae's bags (standard, black, hard-to-find-in-a-baggage-claim-carousel-because-everyone's-bloody-bag-looks-just-like-it-so-why-do-you-people-keep-insisting-on-buying-those-uncreative-bags), but somehow lacked the ability to pull the bright pink duffel. Touche, Karma...touche.
I did almost have a heart attack, but I do appreciate your humor. The part about Chilkoot's didn't come through your email, but I hope you were able to enjoy the extra time in Anchorage, regardless.