Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lessons in the Bush 2

1. Never leave your iPhone within the reach of a 7-year old's grimy hands - they will find it and they will not give it back willingly.

2. Always remember to smile...unless, of course, no one around you is smiling and it is against the cultural norm to smile all the bloody time because then you look like more of a freak than you already do.

3. Classroom management is a skill as well as an art. (I already knew this, for which I am very glad, but was reminded of its importance many times today).

4. Never find yourself within the reach of a 7-year old's grimy hands - especially when you're normally a high school teacher - because anything shorter than hip-height is terrifying and noisy. (Even more so than my sophomores).

5. All principals throughout every district in Alaska should disperse candy bars at the end of the school day. There is very little that a Nutrageous Bar cannot cure. (Except obesity and the diabeetus, of course). 

1 comment:

  1. you are too funny! yeah, seeing these 17 and 18 year olds jump over one another to get a jolly rancher - i'm talking singular piece of candy - is pretty cool. I can already tell I'm going to feel a little guilty/sad when I leave here in a few days. I get to teach an entire class tomorrow, along with mini lessons mixed in here and there. Lovin' it - and I can tell you are too. Be good!
